Saturday, October 21, 2017

Week 5 Blog

This week we have been discussing preparation for marriage, there are many things that need to be prepared for marriage but not just material items but there needs to be a lot of important mental and spiritual preparation involved too. Marriage is a really important part of life but has been distorted and changed throughout history, i believe that marriage is only between a man and a woman. I know that my beliefs and views aren't the same as those that are in this world. I believe every person is welcome to their own beliefs and opinions but it gets to a point where it gets out of hand.

During this week, I have celebrated with my sweet heart few years of marriage and it has been a great 4 years but there have been some challenges too. Before we got married, there were many that told us that marriage is never going to be easy and that we will experience many of these things together as a unit. Marriage is not an easy thing to be a part of but it has been some of the most fun times of my life and I get to experience these things with my sweet heart.

As a member of the LDS church, there are certain things that need to be done before we can be sealed for time and all eternity in the temple of our God. We need to be worthy to enter the House of the Lord and we also need to keep and maintain a current temple recommend to be authorized to enter and take part in the sacred work that goes on there. One thing that we need to do to prepare for marriage is to go through a series of interviews to determine our worthiness and it also determines if we are in fact allowed to enter His house. The things that take place in the temple of our God are very sacred and are not to be taken lightly, the work that happens there is a very important part of life and the mission that us at LDS members have.

On October 19, my wife and I were sealed for time and all eternity in the Las Vegas LDS Temple, we made sacred covenants that we will continue to keep throughout our lives and throughout the eternities. The things that we have been a part of in the holy temple are not be taken lightly and are very sacred between us and the Lord. As an LDS member, I have sacred obligations to the Father and I can not really go into more detail about what goes on in the house of the Lord. I am extremely blessed that I have had the opportunity participate in the temple ordinances and be able to further benefit from these sacred experiences.

There are also many financial and material things that need to be done or accomplished before marriage. One of the financial things that associate with weddings or marriages is that "Weddings are expensive", it is a well known fact that weddings are not a cheap thing to carry out. Weddings require a lot of attention to detail and there are a lot of decisions to be made when it comes to getting married. Marriages require a lot of things that can potentially cost quite a bit of money and the effort to bring these things about can require the money and attention of many involved. Weddings require dresses for the bride and bridesmaids, it also require clothing for the men such as tuxedos, suits, ties and fancy shoes. The bride and groom in weddings want things to be perfect and they don't want anything to go wrong but that is not always the case. A big part of weddings is the flowers and decorations for the reception location, flowers are really important because that is what the bride and groom and their parties wear in association with their roles

In conclusion, marriage is the most important part of life and it a very sacred part of the things that we are a part of too. Marriage can bring happiness to many and marriage is the only way that this happiness can be brought to those individuals involved. Marriage for me has been some of the best times in my life and I wouldn't want to spend eternity with anyone other than my wife, she is a really important part of my life and I don't know how I could go about it with anyone else.

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