Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week 4 Blog

Throughout this semester, we have covered a lot of controversial topics but I think that this week's topic was the most controversial that we have covered and will cover. The topic of this weeks discussion was Same Sex Couples and Same Sex Attraction. I am not making this post to start a political debate or fight, the purpose of this blog post is to inform and discuss the opinions or insights of the people that might benefit from this. As many of you know, same sex attraction is a big trial for some and a lot of these individuals struggle with this and it can potentially confuse them in this difficult time.

For my personal beliefs, I feel or believe that people are free to make their own decisions and they are allowed to do whatever they feel necessary. I do not believe that this can allow them to marry people of the same gender and compromise or change the view of the family unit and change the definition of marriage. I feel that these actions are trying to threaten the family and take away from what most of us know about marriage and the way that it should be carried out. I know that many in this world do decide to marry or become partners with someone of the same gender but in my opinion, marriage is between a man and a woman and that is how it should be. There are many in this country that are advocates for same sex marriage but I feel that their efforts should be construed in others things that would better benefit our country.

There are many states in this country that have made same sex marriage legal but there are also others that have not and I hope that these other states know that they are doing the right thing for our country. I know that there are those that think that same sex attraction or marriage is a right and legal to take part in and there are those that disagree, they do not share the same beliefs. I believe that everyone is allowed to make their own decisions and I also believe there are consequences for such actions that are not in harmony for God's plan. People in our country are free to do within the law but they also know that their are consequences for what they choose to do.

As a member of the LDS church, I have the knowledge that families are together forever through the sealing power that is bestowed to many on this Earth, I also now that marriage is destined to be as between a man and a woman. I know that this is the only way that is accepted by God and this is the only way that acts in harmony with Him and what He has revealed through a living Prophet. I know that as part of His plan, marriage is only to be meant for a man and woman and that is the only definition of marriage that is correct. As a faithful LDS member, I have had the opportunity to marry my eternal companion in the holy temple of God and experience the beauty and happiness that can only come from an eternal marriage. Yes, marriage has not always been the easiest at times but we get through it with each other and become stronger and closer to each other. Personally, I believe that this is the only way that is in harmony with God's plan and it the only matter of marriage that matters in life. This form of marriage is the only form that allows us the opportunity to live with our Father again.

In conclusion, throughout this week I have learned many things about the topic of same sex marriage or attraction but it has not changed my political or religious views, it is always important to learn about these things and educate yourself so that we can defend the family and allow others the opportunity to learn about the family and the correct definition of what marriage is in the eyes of our Father.

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